He’s Not The One. A List to Help You Discern.He’s not your match. He’s not your love of a lifetime. He’s really not even
Memes to Share About the Bravery of Vulnerability (As We So Hate the Exposure of Vulnerability)Everyone is brave these days. But is everyone leaning into their vulnerability? Or just powering
12 Etiquette Lessons Teens Are Capable of Adapting to Their LivesOf course, as parents you are continually teaching your child good etiquette. This is one
New Bedtime Ritual with TeensDo you remember those sweet years when you tucked your beloved to bed? You would
Five Books to Give to Graduates (That are Not the Normal Ones That are Gifted)The rite of passage of high school graduation and college graduation has been a part
Brave Decision to Brave Decision Doesn’t Always Mean the Right DecisionSometimes I make the wrong decision. This is my broken road of faith. My faith