29JanLegacy WritingsChallenge: To Get Your Youth to Gain From Sunday ChurchDecember 2007 You are a great teacher. You are a great Bible teacher. But unfortunately,
29JanLegacy WritingsSome Insight Into Community ExperiencesNovember 2006 A lot of effort gets expended to develop youth group community. The theory
29JanLegacy WritingsA Culture of Noise–Or NotOctober 2006 You know we are a culture of noise when you try to enforce
29JanLegacy WritingsThe Bummer Realities of a Brenda‑Centered Youth MinistryApril 2006 There was a time in my life when I thought pretty highly of
29JanLegacy WritingsThe Power of Ritualized Time TogetherSeptember 2005 Here is a brief history of how we got here as a culture:
29JanLegacy WritingsErring on the Side of ChallengeNovember 2005 My local newspaper ran an AP story about the use of dodgeball in
29JanLegacy WritingsThe Connecting Authority FigureDecember 2003 The following is an internet forum discussion off of the former YS Forum
29JanLegacy WritingsInreach or Outreach: That is One of Many QuestionsDecember 2002 “Scott Thumma, a professor with Hartford Seminary’s Institute for Religion Research in Connecticut,
29JanLegacy WritingsBeyond Summer Camp Youth MinistrySeptember 2000 The question has now been put out there. Any veteran in youth ministry
29JanLegacy WritingsWhy I am not Rah-Rah Over the Campus Missionary Movement (At Least Not as We Know It)September 2000 I have a unique perspective on this. First, I’m an 20-year youth ministry