29JanLegacy WritingsDon’t Give Me the StageJune 1999 “Don’t put me on a pedestal, just give me a stage.” No true
29JanLegacy WritingsReputation and CharacterJuly 1994 I don’t know the source for this profound poem but it is something
29JanLegacy WritingsBurnt StonesJuly 1993 Nehemiah had returned to Jerusalem with letters from King Artaxerxes. He was going
29JanLegacy WritingsOf Sparrows and Lost TeensJanuary 1993 “Are not two sparrows sold for a penny? Yet not one of them
29JanLegacy WritingsThe ImageJuly 1992 So far today, God, I’ve done alright. I haven’t gossiped, haven’t lost my
29JanLegacy WritingsThe Generation GapMarch 1992 In my ten years of youth ministry, I have always held to the
28JanLegacy WritingsThe End of the Superpersonality Youth MinisterSeptember 1992 While I was in Bible college in the Mid-Eighties, I was blessed to
28JanLegacy WritingsLike RizpahMarch 1991 Rizpah was one of the daughters of Saul and she had two sons.
03JanFaith FormationGen Z is Finding Jesus Without the ChurchI’ve been praying for revival among young people since 1983. It is something one of
19DecLiving In This CultureWhy Teens Aren’t Rebelling AnymoreI began my writing career having been inspired by this quote back in 1990 from