11DecLove for a LifetimeOur Story of Committed Love(Picture of “old” us at Citi Field at a NY Mets game because sports is
25NovBroken-Hearted BraveryBecoming Enchanted Again with AdventSo we begin the liturgical season of Advent. With this hope that we have need
07NovBrave Decision to Brave Decision, ShameWhy I Am Pro-Guilt and Anti-ShameI am pro-guilt. I hate shame. Guilt is different than shame. Guilt is the Holy
22OctLiving In This CultureIs It Harder Being a Teen Today?I’ve been a youth pastor since the 1980s. I’m in my 5th decade of believing
15OctBroken-Hearted BraveryThis is What the Beautiful People KnowI have learned that pain is my beginning. What about you? Truth is we don’t
25SepBrave Decision to Brave Decision, Growing SlowerWe are All a Mix of Anxiety and FaithI recently heard a pastor say, “When you have less faith, you will have more
10SepBrave Decision to Brave Decision, Broken-Hearted BraveryThe Awe in the Moment You Realized You Have GrownMy son is coming to the end of a very long prison sentence. This has
04SepIdentity, Larger Story GodYou Inspire Awe (In God Too.)“God already knows every deep thing within us—even those things too deep for our own
14AugLiving In This CultureNoticing Gen Z and the Tweens of Gen Alpha, Part 5They are not like previous generations. This generation is different. Says someone who has been