13AugIdentity, LonelinessI Hate Institutions! (Do I Really?)In this broken world where we trust so little, we definitely don’t trust institutions. Specifically
07AugGrowing Slower, IdentityHumble and Confident (This is Like Jesus)Let’s start off with a giggle at yourself. This is a quote from a Christianity
01JulEnoughThis New “Religion” is Empty (And Making Us Worse?)There are three stabilizing institutions in society: the family, the church, and the state. The
30JunUncategorizedOrder Trust Issues With God Bible Study with video access.We all have trust issues. Life has hurt us. For those of us brave enough
24JunBrave Decision to Brave Decision, Your StoryThe Brave Decision to Vacation in UkraineWritten by Jake Stewart Much like how most Americans remember September 11, 2001, I remember
24MayLiving In This CultureNoticing Gen Z and the Tweens of Gen Alpha, Part 4They are not like previous generations. This generation is different. Says someone who has been
18MayLiving In This CultureNoticing Gen Z and the Tweens of Gen Alpha, Part 3They are not like previous generations. This generation is different. Says someone who has been
16MayPrayerWhy is Having Some of Our Prayers Answered Not Enough For Us?This is a question that was asked during one of our conversations at my church.
14MayPrayerPraying with Your Trust Issues#thebravepray but you still have trust issues when it comes to prayer. Prayer isn’t hard.
12MayLiving In This CultureNoticing Gen Z and the Tweens of Gen Alpha, Part 2They are not like previous generations. This generation is different. Says someone who has been