08MayLiving In This CultureNoticing Gen Z and the Tweens of Gen Alpha, Part 1They are not like previous generations. This generation is different. Says someone who has been
16AprIdentityMake the Brave Decision to Make Small TalkMore small talk please. In a world with more loneliness and isolation, I say we
13MarBroken-Hearted BraveryGnarled and Broken Can Still Grow HopeSome words for you, and a picture, for you who are barely hanging on to
07MarIdentity, Love for a LifetimeThe Love That Saves You“Back in 1973, in his just-as-upbeat-as-you’d-imagine book The Denial of Death, Becker prophesied the wedding
07MarBroken-Hearted BraveryDarkness is My Only Friend. A Statement of Hope.Psalm 88 is a psalm about faith that is mixed with total confusion, exposed vulnerability,
05MarCheering For You ParentsTeaching to Hear the Holy SpiritThere is a voice in my sons’ heads–and it isn’t mine! The boys I raised
15FebFaith FormationToday’s Teens Have No Social Obligation to Go to ChurchI have been a youth pastor my whole adult life, which means it has been
13FebBad Dating PracticeWhy the Sexual Revolution Has Hurt Our Souls and BodiesI do not know enough to answer this moral and philosophical statement but I will
09FebBroken-Hearted BraveryBe the Brave Compassionate Friend (Feel the Pain)Mark 9:14-29 tells this story of this father who cared for a son who was
08FebDating AdviceCatastrophizing Your Maybe RelationshipWhen you are in love, your brain changes. You also believe that the birds are