Is It Harder Being a Teen Today?

I’ve been a youth pastor since the 1980s. I’m in my 5th decade of believing in teens. I’ve also lived through all of those decades with the teens and have learned a lot. Read about this unique perspective.

I can soundly say that today’s teens are different. I write about that here.

But is this just my limited perspective? What do parents think?

Read this clever graphic article from Pew Research to get the real numbers. Again, with clever graphics. Sometimes a visual helps, right? I just had to pass this on.

Why Many Parents and Teens Think It’s Harder Being a Teen Today

What do you think?


New Bible Study:  Trust Issues with God With Video

Life is unfair. When the unfair thing happens, we look for a reason, a solution, a purpose, justice. These are all things we expect from God. When God doesn’t deliver when we expect or need him to, there is a gap in our understanding of who God is. This Bible study is to help you fill in that gap with trust over suspicion by exploring the truths of the Bible, both individually and in a group setting.

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