4 Tips To Make Room for “Yes”

Don’t be a single waiting around for life to begin once you get married. Start living your story now. Say “yes” to brave and time-consuming things for God. Besides having great stories to tell (do you need another reason?), you never know who you will meet “along the way.” And this person will probably be attracted to you because you are doing these brave and time-consuming things for God. Because the best way to find your love for a lifetime is to “Live your life to the full bravely following after Jesus. Now. As you are living bravely, who is keeping up with you? That is the match for you.” How are you going to know who is keeping up with worthy you if you are not neck-deep into your story?
So how do you make room for “yes”?
- Don’t be in debt. Sometimes unbudgeted funds are needed for a yes. Live your budget so you can have this extra. There is probably a big possibility that if you are in debt now it is because you unwisely said “yes” to too many things or the wrong things. Put the hard work in now and get out of debt. Now. So you can sooner rather than later get back to saying “yes” to the right things—and blessing people in the process.
- Balance your time schedule. Don’t be one who is always running late or behind. Don’t be one who has to overschedule as a way to validate your value. Your schedule needs to have wiggle room so you can say “yes” as you also maintain your commitments.
- Live aware. Life your life in such a way that you are continually looking for God’s hand in the present. This is a choice you make. You can figuratively live your life “head down” going about to and fro and not giving much thought to the to and fro. Or you can live your life “head up” actively looking for God’s hand in the present. Which means to live in the holy tension of “do I gift that homeless woman a cup of coffee?” or “do I also sit with that woman?” Or when on that evening walk around your neighborhood do you stop counting your steps and enter into that neighborhood kickball game? Or…when you live aware you will find opportunities to say yes to.
- Decide to make room. This is a decision, isn’t it? Don’t let Netflix get in the way (it will always be there for you).
So? What will you say “yes” to today?
(Photo credit: http://www.getthefive.com/articles/the-boardroom/managing-others-just-say-yes/)