You are Beginning Ahead of Everyone Else

I am so sorry your life sucks so much right now. That you hurt so much. I don’t think I can have the words to offer you much comfort in your pain. I say this because I know pain like that.
I can offer you this truth though. This truth is true.
You are beginning ahead of everyone else who is in pain.
You already know that the answer is Jesus and that you are worthy to have an identity in Christ. Bravester you is learning this.
You may know this but this doesn’t mean you live like it every moment of your life. Especially these days. Don’t beat yourself up. You are still beginning ahead of everyone else. Because everyone else doesn’t know this.
There is this beautiful verse in Job 33:4 – For the Spirit of God has made me, and the breath of the Almighty gives me life.
No matter what your birth circumstance, you were created by God breathing life and purpose into you. You have made the decision to return to that completeness by choosing Jesus for your life.
You are ahead of everyone else who is not here.
You still hurt. But you are trusting the Promiser with that hurt so you are beginning. You have no idea what God is doing in this hurt or how it can ever be redeemed. It all feels like too much. But you know you have God. You know you have personal supernatural help.
There may be darker days ahead. There may be days you don’t believe God is for you. Even then you are ahead of others because you also have people in your life who are praying for you. Who are trusting the Promiser for you and are praying the words you cannot pray.
Those who are a part of a church family get this opportunity to be ahead and have such friends who pray when you can’t pray any longer.
I lie in the dust completely discouraged; revive me by your word. Psalm 119:25. You already know this.
You know this Holy Spirit magic is available for you.
The Father’s heart says, “Come to me with your most unsolvable pain.” You know this already. You are ahead.
The day will come and this will all be in your rear-view mirror. It will. As all lessons from the rear-view mirror you are going to have learned so much. You are going to be so much wiser. So much stronger. So much braver.
Today not so. But it is okay because you are already ahead.