28NovLarger Story God, Single LifePapa God is Gathering the MaterialsWaiting is a part of our faith. The essence of the word faith implies waiting.
22NovBrave Decision to Brave DecisionThe Beautiful Life Defined by StaminaHang in there, baby! That’s what the word stamina means to me. And this is
22NovBroken-Hearted BraveryMy Coppiced Faith of Beautiful New GrowthYou can also buy your Christmas tree this way. My Christian faith and coppiced Christmas
05NovGrowing Slower, Holy Tension - Living in BetweenHope Begins in the DarkAn Advent thought. Advent is a rhythm of the church calendar that matches the seasons
04NovBroken-Hearted Bravery, Grief, Your StoryThe Long Stay – What Grief NeedsTuesday November 1, 2022, was the 13-year anniversary of the day my life took a
02NovGrowing SlowerThe Brave Decision to RestWe, our bodies and our souls, are desperate for rest, yet we are so fearful
31OctBroken-Hearted Bravery, Holy Tension - Living in BetweenWaiting Long Enough to Expand the HeartHow long, Lord… So wrote the Psalmists 22 times. So I also pray too many
16OctGrowing SlowerThe Inefficiency of the Good Things“The result of busyness is that an individual is very seldom permitted to form a
08OctLiving In This CultureWhat is Really Happening During the School Day?Three practical ideas to actually have a conversation. You want to know what happened in
29SepGrowing SlowerThe Brave Decision to SleepWe, our bodies and our souls, are desperate for rest, yet we are so fearful