Living in Tree Time #whattreesteachusThis was the benediction I prayed over my church. It came from a conversation we
Memes to Share About Faith Being BraveFaith and bravery do go together. Because life is a broken road of faith. It
The Story of 1,000 Brave Decisions (More or Less)Written by Jake Stewart Ever since becoming a legal adult in 2008, I’ve taken a
Meme Truth to Share to Encourage You to Make Those brave Decisions to Change Your PathThere is the life we want to live. Then there are the short cuts and
Brave Decision to Brave Decision Doesn’t Always Mean the Right DecisionSometimes I make the wrong decision. This is my broken road of faith. My faith
The Brave Decisions That Define You–You Have A Choice, Even If You Are on Death RowLove is the motivation for righteousness and justice. Love cannot be separated from righteousness and