Memes to Share About the Hope of Pain.

Brave decisions are made by those who are not afraid of their pain.

What a true statement that doesn’t make the pain go away. Living wholeheartedly means that pain is your beginning. Healing rarely comes without pain. Pain so often feels like the end of something, probably because something did end. It is the brave who can see this as the beginning…and that the other side of the pain will be a grand brave story.

Even this truth doesn’t make the pain go away. Your life simply hurts. You are not alone in this pain. You are joining the many of us who have broken-hearted bravery.

Spread the hope of pain with these memes. Invite your people to not be afraid of their pain. Or to hide in their pain. Give them the truth.


New Bible Study:  Trust Issues with God With Video

Life is unfair. When the unfair thing happens, we look for a reason, a solution, a purpose, justice. These are all things we expect from God. When God doesn’t deliver when we expect or need him to, there is a gap in our understanding of who God is. This Bible study is to help you fill in that gap with trust over suspicion by exploring the truths of the Bible, both individually and in a group setting.

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