Brave Dating Practice:  Placing Yourself in Good Situations

Another brave dating practice.  Place yourself in good situations.  Get involved in ministry/outreach in whatever capacity because…

I know a wonderful late-in-life single who just got asked to be on the board of our local homeless and under-served non-profit, a very respected and renowned organization.  I’ve known this woman for 20+ years because she used to be a teen in my youth ministry.  So when I say that this non-profit made a wise decision by bringing Kelly on board to the board, I mean it.  She will be an asset to them.  By the way, I’ve served as a volunteer in this organization for at least 15 years and they’ve never asked me to be on the board.  Kelly is exceptional.

I’m so excited for Kelly for something she wasn’t even thinking of when she was offered this honor.  She has placed herself in a situation where she is going to meet lots of good men.  This is a respected organization that is full of good people.  People include men, some may be single.  People include people who also know good single men.  These people are going to see Kelly shine and want to set her up with the good men in their lives.

All of this happened because Kelly decided to get involved with something.  She chose this non-profit.  She had the time and passion and wasn’t about wasting her life waiting til she was married to do something.  Or wasting her life on contorted and time-consuming relationships.

She has no idea, until she reads this, what a good situation she has put herself in.  She is simply honored to be asked to be on this board.  And again, this organization made a great decision by asking Kelly to join.

I’m so excited for Kelly.

So what are you doing with your time?  How can you live out your faith?  Which organizations can you join and make them better?  Who will you meet along the way?

You just never know.  This is how I met my husband.  This is how I met most of my dates before I got married.  It was hard to date in my church because I was on staff (I was on staff for 15 years before I got married, that is a lot of years to figure this out).  There are understood complications with that.  But I met lots of good men while I did lots of good community stuff.  I was that pastor who was involved in her community in different programs who got dates.  By the way, the programs loved having a pastor involved.

So what are you going to do with your time?  Who will you meet along the way? Say yes to the spontaneous. 


New Bible Study:  Trust Issues with God With Video

Life is unfair. When the unfair thing happens, we look for a reason, a solution, a purpose, justice. These are all things we expect from God. When God doesn’t deliver when we expect or need him to, there is a gap in our understanding of who God is. This Bible study is to help you fill in that gap with trust over suspicion by exploring the truths of the Bible, both individually and in a group setting.

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