He Will Be Our Peace. Even in a Pandemic. Even In Botswana.

I remember moving overseas 16 years ago and telling Kevin, “What would happen if we couldn’t get stateside….like if we got stuck?” He chuckled a bit and was like, “The chances of borders closing down are few and far between. If we got stuck it would be because of something major.”
Little did I know that “something major” would happen and all of those “what if’s….” would come into play.
When COVID19 spread to Botswana, we made the decision early on to stay in Botswana. I have never in my life gotten so many emails from the U.S. Embassy with updates and repatriation flights going out. I kept seeing fellow missionaries post on their social media that they were packing their homes and returning to the USA with no known return date.
The only nudges from the Holy Spirit we were getting was to make sure we were prepared with dry goods and such so we could feed ourselves and help others if things got interesting. One email from the embassy even stated that if we decided to stay, we were pretty much saying we were taking a risk and that even our own embassy might not be able to help us. Let’s just say, that’s a little like something you see in movies…not real life!
It was enough to make me go bonkers with all the unknowns swirling around in my head! I was second guessing every decision until one day the Lord reminded me of five words……..
“He Will Be Our Peace.”
Micah 5:5
My friend Kara calls them her “”five fighting words”.
Allow me to pivot a bit and share a story with you…
When we moved into this old farmhouse two years ago (yes, we did the trendy thing and moved into an old farmhouse…in Botwana), there was really zero kitchen. There was a metal sink/cabinet unit with the most shallow of sinks ever. I remember being grateful for that unit when most people would have tossed it to the curb. We cleaned it up and it served our family well.
Our last trip stateside Gma had a farmhouse sink that was available and needed a home. You better believe we used a checked bag to get this beauty back to Botswana!
Our original idea was to start on our kitchen first but other priorities took over and the kitchen has been the last room to be finished. I didn’t mind as we needed a ceiling and insulation as it was an oven in summer and an icebox in the winter. Our roof is tin sheeting.
Kevin has been working hard to get my space finished within the budget, which means building it himself. He moved the whole kitchen around to get the sink under the window because he knows I like to have a window I can look out of when I wash dishes.
Why, you ask?
Cause that sink area is like an altar for me and after 22 years of marriage, Kev knows that. He knows that’s where I often meet with the Lord over warm soapy water. (No dishwasher here!) Where I pray my anxiety away and pray for peace. Kev knows I also like a window sill to put things on so he made sure to build that too.
My friend Kathryn gave me a lovely bunch of fresh lavender so I put it in a cup and on the window sill. I knew I needed some words also so the other day I pulled out my small letter board and didn’t have to think long as to what to put on it…
I put this reminder right in front of me on my window sill. Every day I’m at that spot, I pray “Thank you for being our peace… Every single moment, Jesus. “

Pivoting back again…
Ya’ll, there are so many unknowns. I have no idea when I will ever be able to get to the USA again or even what that will look like once travel opens up again. There are lots of “what if…” questions rolling around in my head that can make me crazy. And I know you do too.
But one thing I am absolutely sure of, there can be Peace in the midst of a pandemic when I keep my eyes focused on Him. He’s our sure foundation that never changes.
It reminds me of that old hymn…”Great Is Thy Faithfulness”
What a comfort to know…
He Will Be Our Peace.
Sarah Witt, mom of 3 who just happens to be raising her family on the mission field serving God with her husband in Botswana. She is a Revelation Wellness instructor in Botswana and seeing God change the lives of women. Learn more about her and Kevin at Wild Acacia.