The View from Here – This Mixed Up World

We are in year 2 of a seven year prison sentence with one of our sons. In year 2 we are seeing an increasingly amount of growth in him! We’ve been through prison sentences with him before but never one this long. But this is what happens when he chose to self-sabotage his life instead of dealing with the shame that has been the voice in his head most of his life. And the secrets that were strangling him. This 7-year sentence from his self-sabotage has cost him quite a bit plus he’s not a young thing anymore to bounce right back into his life.

This is his story to share. As he is putting words to the shame and the secrets he is beginning to put truth into his life. He has started to share some peeks of that with John and I, the parents who took him in at age 12. And he has given me permission to share it with you all. Because this is the beginning of how you live a real brave life–to stop allowing the shame to keep your life a secret.

Nitpicking is at an all time high! For every little thing you do it’s being watched like you’re on camera and the video is immediately uploaded on social media for it to upset somebody, offend another, smack a couple people across the face then step on half the world’s toes. They say “you can’t make everyone happy!” But how can you possibly make everyone mad?

Yes, this culture works together in a way I never experienced as a young man. They are accomplishing goals I still have a hard time fathoming. And the information that is at their finger tips is endless. Being immature and not able to handle myself well resonated in my humbling by God. Even then I didn’t know God was doing the humbling. I thought I didn’t need God an maybe this culture feels likewise.

Google teaches us that there is an answer for everything. If I could go on the web and get any answer I want, why would I need God? What is God actually doing to navigate me through my life? This is the attitude I gather from this culture.

Do they not know that God created and urges us to love him first, the love our neighbors as ourselves–the same principle in which they work together? Do they not know that God makes the impossible possible? Do they not know that God planted the seed of ideas that put the internet together? I know now that God blessed me with all the blessings I’ve squandered.

God is real and alive! No matter how easily obtained information can be, he has and will always be the source. In being the source he is most certainly the result!

Does not the Bible prove God had the answer before the problem?! John 1:1 says “In the beginning there was the Word. The Word was with God and the Word was God.” Everything was made through him and by him. But why isn’t he getting his due? He is more than worthy of glory and everyone gets their chance to learn this then pay homage.

I’ve dropped the ball in thinking I can change the world but what I am called to do is pray for these times. And in prayer for myself, I ask that I can learn from the Godly skills that this generation has made better. Help me to be the word and an example you’d be proud of.

Terrill Weathers


New Bible Study:  Trust Issues with God With Video

Life is unfair. When the unfair thing happens, we look for a reason, a solution, a purpose, justice. These are all things we expect from God. When God doesn’t deliver when we expect or need him to, there is a gap in our understanding of who God is. This Bible study is to help you fill in that gap with trust over suspicion by exploring the truths of the Bible, both individually and in a group setting.

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