What Happened in 2020

As if dating was vulnerable enough… 2020 brought a whole new definition for risky dating.

You may know that I love reading stats. At least half of my email subscriptions are from research companies I trust. This is simply a fact about dating in 2020 and 2021.

51% of singles have given up on love during the pandemic.

–YPulse, February 25, 2021

Sigh but true, right? I get why it was easier to “shelter-in-place” than to try to date. Because really, this is what an actual date would have looked like. And the guy could have even been this hairy because he couldn’t get a haircut during the shutdown.

So why try.

Or you did try a dating app or two or 10 but that was the same thing as hanging out on Instagram. It was a lot of scrolling, maybe a comment or two, and likely some ghosting. Even you did the ghosting because you were just not “up” for going out on a date. Or you met this guy…

It does help to laugh about it. That’s one of my goals here. 2020 (and 2021, because this is not ending any time soon) is going to be something we talk about for years to come. Memes are one of the best ways to describe what 2020 was like.

Maybe you made some of the best memories ever while sheltering-in-place. Maybe you grew a lot in your faith. Maybe you took the time to find some healing from former wounds. Maybe you saved a lot of money.

I hope there was lots of growth of you in 2020. Dear reader of Brave Dating, may this not be you.

Because it is time to try dating again. Sign up for the 8-day email series to get the best, practical, and possible dating tips. Read more here because I have a lot to say to you.

I wrote this a while back. 8 Reasons Why Dating is Still Complicated, Even Brave Dating. I could change the title to “9 Reasons…” and add the Covid protocols. Dating after Covid-life doesn’t remove any of these reasons why dating is complicated. But dating is still something you can try again. Give a good character person a chance!

Because you are worthy of a bigger world. Have some vanity.

With the love of a God who pursues you–and has never changed his mind in that pursuit of you–it is hard to remain a victim to your life. You grow to have this desire to overcome. This also includes trying to date again.

When you are an overcomer, the present is controlled by your choices, in spite of the real pain of your past. Be an overcomer. Overcome 2020 like…

Another stat from the YPulse webinar I attended. Don’t believe the numbers people are touting about the increase of divorce in 2020. No doubt some relationships suffered–because they were already suffering before 2020. But…

71% of those in a relationship say their relationship grew stronger during the pandemic.

–YPulse, February 25, 2021

Those are some overcomers.


New Bible Study:  Trust Issues with God With Video

Life is unfair. When the unfair thing happens, we look for a reason, a solution, a purpose, justice. These are all things we expect from God. When God doesn’t deliver when we expect or need him to, there is a gap in our understanding of who God is. This Bible study is to help you fill in that gap with trust over suspicion by exploring the truths of the Bible, both individually and in a group setting.

Order here: http://TrustIssuesWithGod.com