So You Are Starting to Date Again. Good. Start Here.

Welcome back to this brave world of dating, again. I’m so glad that you believe that you are worthy of a love for a lifetime, again.
Deep down you do believe that you are worthy of a love for a lifetime again. But you are also filled with trepidation. So much is changing in the dating world. You are risking the chance of having your heart smashed. You are going to need to risk being vulnerably seen by someone new. Or maybe several someones until you can find that right match.
You are not alone though! You have your gift of people who will form your team support. You have me giving you all kinds of honest wisdom. I’m also available for a Zoom coffee. And you have your trust in God that he is with you through it all. This desire to start dating again didn’t just come from you. I believe God whispered it to you first.
We are all a mix of fear and faith so our trust always has issues. But trust that whisper. Trust how God is leading you into this new story in your life.
This time you are going to do dating differently, hopefully a bit better. Because you are wiser. Life has taught you some hard lessons. But those tough lessons have also taught you that you are a wonderful match! Have a little vanity about that! So let’s start here.
You have everything inside you that someone is seeking. Start with that truth which cannot be denied. Women, It’s Okay to Have a Little Vanity.
Who are your people whom will “carry your pain” through this next adventure? Find them. Identify them. Tell them. Invite them into this adventure with you.
Do this journaling work before you start dating. It will be fun and will help lessen some of your nerves. Do this also with a friend or two. This is a fun exercise. How Do You Want to Remembered After This Date?
How about being a better version of you this time? A truer version of you. You have learned, grown, and matured, right? This time you can be more “hard to get.” This is NOT a game-player. This is you knowing you so you can attract better. You can be attractive. Really. You Can Be One of Those Known as Hard to Get.
Need a little refresher to help your discerner. Here’s a starter list. Green Lights, Yellow Lights and Red Lights of Relationships.
Maybe you know this by now but I’m going to remind you anyway. Every guy/woman you date is going to be the wrong one until he/she is the one.
Search the Bravester site for “Brave Dating Practice.” There is more wisdom for you.
And remember remember remember this. A failed date does not define you. A failed date is a failed date. Are You Okay That You Were Rejected by a Bad Date?
Well beautiful you, you are on this journey of discovering who this new person is—and discovering who you are in the process. This is exciting. This is being vulnerable. This requires bravery.
I can’t wait to hear about it. (Do you want to have that Zoom coffee?)